How Difficult Is a Triple College Major? Hear from Students
Some students opt to double or triple major. How does majoring in more than one subject actually work? How difficult is it to triple major?
How to Find The Best College Guides
As a high school student applying to college, you have so much work to do that you can’t always focus on finding the best rankings lists or college guides. Even more than that, you don’t always have time to figure out which recommendations for the best college guides to trust. We believe you shouldn’t have to spend your time on finding this information either, so we’d like to break down how to find the best college guides for you.
Interesting College Majors Part 3: Social Justice Majors
In this article, we examine options under the umbrella of social justice majors.
Just How Difficult Is Transferring Colleges?
Now you face the question: just how difficult is transferring colleges? The first thing you have to do is figure out what you value in a college.
Scholarship Opportunities and How to Benefit from Them
If you’re attending classes at a university in the U.S., you likely qualify to apply for multiple scholarships—you just don’t know it yet.
Prepare For Your Alumni Interview
Your alumni interview is coming up. I know it seems daunting, but the interviewers are looking to advocate for you. Let’s prepare you to shine.
Online Learning Tools for the COVID-19 Pandemic
It’s a strange time. Let’s take a serious look at the available online learning tools you can take advantage of to help!
The Public Health Benefits of Online College Counseling
CDC announced that it is “confident an outbreak [of Coronavirus] will occur” in the US. We’ve learned how online college counseling steps up to fill the gap.