Accepted! Choosing a College During the Pandemic

Congrats! Now that you’re in, are you conflicted about choosing a college during the pandemic? Selecting a school is more than just rankings.
Planning a Productive Summer During a Pandemic

Check out our strategies for having a productive summer, while staying competitive for college admissions during a global pandemic!
COVID Boosts Impact of Writing in College Admissions

According to studies recently published, COVID has boosted the impact of writing and other “soft factors” for college admissions.
How COVID Has Changed College Admissions

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic completely changed the world; the college admissions process is no exception. Let’s take a look at what has changed, and what it all means for your applications. Grades During the school closures in 2020, many schools switched to a pass/fail system rather than the usual letter grades for […]
Remote Volunteering for STEM Students

Looking for a few new ways to donate your time while staying involved with your academic pursuits? Try volunteering for STEM.
Open High School Summer Programs Roundup

Looking for open high school summer programs to rock your world this summer? We’ve rounded up our top picks.