Wondering what to do with the rest of summer? Suddenly have open hours left in the summer and need help finding productive ways for your student’s time? Life happens: travel plans fall through, summer programs cancel, and family commitments pop up. For various reasons, you might find that your high schooler is now facing more than a few unstructured weeks before school starts. Not to worry, we at Empowerly are here to help you make the most of this time! Here are a few counselor-recommended activities you can still do for the rest of summer.
Forbes recently published a “College Admissions Summer Planning Guide” for students facing their summer. In the piece, author Brennan Barnard writes, “Make the best of your circumstances and don’t obsess over that which you cannot control. It could be that your summer will be spent helping care for a sibling or grandparent, working to support a family business, or helping with finances. Colleges place a high value on these responsibilities.”
So, while the “back to school” hype begins earlier and earlier every year, you don’t have to call your summer quits just yet. There’s still time to channel your energy into a top-notch project, no matter your subject area. We connected with Empowerly Counselor, Eli E., for some counselor-recommended ways to spend your last few weeks or months.
Recommended activities:
1. Writing Workshop at Sarah Lawrence College
This virtual writing workshop is offered twice in the summer, including in August. If registration is closed, see if you can join the waiting list.
2. STEM and Entrepreneurship with the Boston Leadership Institute
This combined exploration of STEM and entrepreneurship is offered during two sessions in the summer, June through August.
3. Pre-College Courses at Wake Forest University
These non-credit courses are designed for students in high school. With flexible schedules, you can submit your application right away.
4. Medical Focused Course at Georgetown University
The late summer research sessions appeal to students with their sights set on an August activity. Be sure to register before the deadline.
As a bonus, here’s one for the girls in STEAM: consider registering for an information session on Space Cookies, run by the Girl Scouts. They will be hosting information sessions for rising freshmen and sophomores interested in joining an all-girls high school robotics team. Girls do not need to have any previous experience and can be interested in writing, art, leadership development, social media, engineering, programming, and/or community service.
Check your to-do list
These next few weeks might also be the perfect time to collect yourself for the coming school year. Make sure you don’t miss the chance to prepare for next summer, so you’re ready for whatever comes.
For instance, you can begin preparing for your college apps! In addition to structured, intellectually-stimulating activities (like the ones we discussed above), there’s plenty within your control in the application process. From developing your personal essays to cultivating meaningful letters of recommendation, you’ll have your work cut out for you. And while starting a new routine or habit during the school year can feel impossible with everything else that brings on your plate, you have the time now to make a difference that you’ll be thankful for when it comes time for applying to college.
Studies show that those who seek out counseling or coaching to organize their college search process achieve measurably better results. Schedule an exploratory call with an Empowerly team member to learn if the Empowerly College Counseling program is the right fit for you or your student.