Although many high school students know that college entrance exams are important, only a few are interested in achieving a perfect SAT score. First, your SAT score will range from 400 to 1600, the grand total of the test’s two sections, Math and Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW). If you guessed the perfect SAT score was 1600, you are correct. If you are now wondering how to get a perfect SAT score, read this post for essential tips and why you’d want a perfect SAT score. Who knows, you may be one of the less than 1% of students yearly who score 1600.

Top 3 Tips on How to Get a Perfect SAT Score
1. Begin prepping for the SATs early.
How early? Start studying for your test at least three months before to research and choose suitable practice materials, take practice tests, find your weaknesses, and try new study methods. For example, taking practice tests gets you more comfortable not only with the test content but with testing conditions.
2. Understand your weaknesses and study new material.
It is foremost not to shy away from your practice test mistakes. Don’t hold back when it comes to tackling areas that need improvement and be open to learning new things from vocabulary to test-taking techniques.. Because all test takers’ weaknesses are unique, you must identify them on your own.
3. Use your SAT preparation headstart effectively.
Just because you are giving yourself time doesn’t mean you will achieve a perfect score. How to get a perfect SAT score requires you to use that extra time wisely. The test isn’t forgiving, particularly if you’re aiming for perfection. Use your prep time efficiently with these simple facts:
- You can only miss one or two questions in Reading. It’s better to just miss 1 or 0.
- You cannot make even one mistake in Math.
- At most, you can miss one question in Writing. Again, it is more favorable not to miss any.

Why You Can Get A Perfect SAT Score
If Tip #3 hasn’t scared you off achieving 1600 on the SAT then you must really (, really) want to earn the perfect score. The good news is it means your goal is within your grasp with enough practice, preparation, and prioritizing (check out Empowerly to help you). With the three top “how to get a perfect SAT score” tips above, you are well on your way. Need additional motivation? A high SAT score can help you stand out on your college application, but a perfect score may lead to a full-ride scholarship at an Ivy League school.