iD Tech
Over the past weekend, Empowerly had the opportunity to partner with iD Tech! In other words, iD Tech is a nationwide summer camp for kids ages 6-18. And, it specializes in providing computer technology education. Check out how we participated below.
In fact, Empowerly representatives attended camps at Stanford, UCLA, Harvard, Princeton, and MIT. There, we were able to speak to hundreds of students about the college admissions process!
We loved talking with students about their journey. The presentation included advice about developing your “extracurricular story” and “one sentence” approach; because, these are two of Empowerly’s key methods to developing a strong college application. Actually, participation in camps like iD Tech can help you with both of these!
Furthermore, we helped answer questions about anything college related such as questions about international students applying to U.S. schools, application essay tips, and importance of the SAT/ACT.
We’ll be attending iD Tech camps at Stanford, UCLA, Harvard, Princeton, and MIT on July 27th-28th, so make sure to ask us any questions if you’ll be there as well.
In conclusion
Working with students to help them shape their college dreams is what we do. Empowerly counselors are experts in the college admissions field. We can help you craft your best application and navigate the process together.
Whether you are reaching for goals in extracurricular activities, test scores, or even GPA, we believe in you! And our resources can help you get there. Book a consultation to learn more about our approach and program here at Empowerly.