Debrief: Official WSJ 2020 College Rankings Published

The Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Education recently published their joint 2020 list of Top US Colleges. Curious who made the cut? Want to know what all this data means? The WSJ puts their article behind a subscription paywall for now, but if you want to read the full list you can find the same rankings published on the Times website. We’ll explain what to do with it.
125 Famous & Notable Harvard Alumni

Harvard has an alumni list that any school would be proud of, and that’s not just because it’s the oldest institutions in the U.S.
The Top 90 Colleges and Universities that Accept a 3.4 GPA

We’ve compiled a list of the top 7 colleges and universities that accept a 3.4 GPA to maximize your chances at getting accepted!
Best Division 2 Schools with High Acceptance Rate

With nearly 300 schools, a D2 school may be the best of both worlds: less expensive institution with a balance of academics and competition.
Empowerly Students Receive Early Admissions for University of California Class

Several outstanding Empowerly students received early admissions notifications for the notoriously difficult University of California.
How to Overcome Challenges as a First Generation Student

If you’re a first generation college student, follow these suggestions to find assistance while you pursue your educational goals.
Empowerly Expert’s Handbook to College Admissions, Here to Save the Day!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first book, the Empowerly Expert’s Handbook to College Admissions.
The Benefits of Being Undecided as a Freshman

There are many benefits to being an undeclared major early in your college career. Let’s take a look at a few of them.